Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris pretium neque imperdiet semper pellentesque. Proin bibendum, quam vel egestas ullamcorper, sapien orci eleifend nisl, placerat tincidunt quam nibh ut purus. Integer quam purus, scelerisque vitae aliquam sed, tincidunt eget libero. Morbi nunc enim, rhoncus ut rutrum vitae, dapibus at eros.
[ teaser type="text-box / icon-box / image-box" image="empty / image URL / image icon URL" icon="" title="This is Teaser" custom_bg_color="" custom_title_color="" custom_text_color="" custom_icon_bg_color="" custom_icon_color="" button_text="Read More" button_url="#" button_color="default / primary / success / info / warning / danger / transparent" arrow="none / left / right / bottom" ]Content[/ teaser ]
Teaser shortcode options:
- type* — teaser type, leave only one option:
- text-box — simple box without image or icon;
- icon-box — font or image icon;
- image-box — with full width image.
- image — image or icon URL for ‘icon-box’ and ‘image-box’ types;
- icon — font icon name ‘icon-box’ type, optional if you use an image icon (get icon name from Fontawesome collection — pick an icon, then cut ‘fa-‘ fom the beginning, like: ‘fa-area-chart’ -> ‘area-chart’);
- title* — teaser title;
- custom_bg_color — optional color for background;
- custom_title_color — optional color for title;
- custom_text_color — optional color for text;
- custom_icon_bg_color — optional background color for icon circle;
- custom_icon_color — optional icon color;
- button_text — caption on the button;
- button_color — button color, choose one value;
- arrow — optional arrow, choose one value.
Button Default Button Primary Button Success Button Info Button Warning Button Danger
[ btn color="default / primary / success / info / warning / danger / transparent" size="default / large / small" link="#" target="" ]Caption[ /btn ]
Button shortcode options:
- color* — button color, choose one value;
- size* — button size, choose one value;
- link* — URL;
- target — link target: ‘_blank’, ‘_self’, ‘_parent’.
[ tabs tab1="Tab Title" tab2="Tab Title" tab3="Tab Title" ] [ tab tab_number="1" ]Tab Content[ /tab ] [ tab tab_number="2" ]Tab Content[ /tab ] [ tab tab_number="3" ]Tab Content[ /tab ] [ /tabs ]
Tabs shortcode options:
- tab#* — title for the respective tab;
- tab_number* — pane number to associate with the correct tab.
[ accordion open_first="yes / no" ] [accordion-item title="First Tab Title"]Your Text[/accordion-item] [accordion-item title="Second Tab Title"]Your Text[/accordion-item] [accordion-item title="Third Tab Title"]Your Text[/accordion-item] [ /accordion ]
Tabs shortcode options:
- open_first* — open first tab or keep it closed;
- title* — tab title.
Pricing Table
- Title
- $99
- monthly
- List Item
- List Item
- List Item
- Button
- Title
- $99
- monthly
- List Item
- List Item
- List Item
- Button
- Title
- $99
- monthly
- List Item
- List Item
- List Item
- Button
[ pricing_table title="Title" price="$99" price_description="monthly" button_text="Button" button_url="#" ] [ item ]List Item[ /item ] [ item ]List Item[ /item ] [ item ]List Item[ /item ] [ /pricing_table ]
Tabs shortcode options:
- title* — pricing option title;
- price* — option price;
- price_description* — price description;
- button_text — text on the button;
- button_url — URL for button link;
[ alert type="warning / success / danger / info" close_button="yes / no" ]Message[ /alert ]
Tabs shortcode options:
- type* — message type/color;
- close_button* — show close button or not.
[ progressbar percentage="50" color="success / info / warning / danger" ]Title[ /progressbar ]
Tabs shortcode options:
- percentage* — percentage value for progressbar;
- content* — progressbarbar title.
[ gallery columns="2 / 3 / 4" ]
Tabs shortcode options:
- columns* — number of columns.
Cathy Aitchison
Owner & Teacher
Cathy Aitchison
Owner & Teacher
Cathy has been interested in music and dance for as long as she can remember. She was always encouraged to sing, dance, play instruments and perform from the very beginning.
[ staff layout="carousel / grid" columns="2 / 3 / 4" show_only_ids="" ]
Tabs shortcode options:
- layout* — carousel or grid layout;
- columns* — number of columns;
- show_only_ids — options IDs of posts to show, example value: 56,87,114.
We just wanted to thank you for your wonderful energy, care and support at Kindermusik each week. We have loved participating in the groups and sharing special moments.
This year our daughter has leant to skip, dance, sing with gusto and hop in Kindermusik. She has developed an interest in musical instruments that hopefully will develop into something more serious when she gets older. We listen to the Kindermusik songs all week it’s a real treat! Thank you for your great interest, kindness and inspiration, we thoroughly appreciate it.
Thank you for being such an enthusiastic and caring Kindermusik teacher who clearly loves sharing her passion for music. Our daughter loves it so much and is often ready to leave at 8am even though the class doesn’t start until 10.30am
Cathy, thank you so much for enrolling Ebony in ‘Young Child’ after such a long break! She is loving it, and I revel in seeing her face lit up during each class. Alison xxAlison
Yay, tomorrow is Thursday and that means it’s our Kindermusik day again. Kindermusik with Cathy is our favourite part of the day!!Sarah
Thank you Cathy for extending Nate’s love for music and dance. He fills my car with songs, he makes our heats overflow when he dances because it’s fun and when he sings everyday because he says it makes him happy. We will always remember you fondly and with love.Liz
Thank you Cathy for the fun village classes, Ruby loved them. Really going to miss our classes now that I have to go back to work. Ann-Marie
Thank you for the wonderful work you do through Kindermusik. Thank you for all of you care, instruction, support, warmth and guidance
Thank you for your kindness and patience and most of all THE FUN!
Thank you so much for sparking the interest of music in so many young children. Mimi has loved coming to Kindermusik and so enjoyed your beautiful warm personality as have I. Well doneMargie
A huge Thank you! You have played a significant part in my sons first 15 months of life. He just loves coming to Kindermusik each week and so do I! He loves music and dancing and it is a joy to share it with him
Thank you so much Cathy for everything. Your ability to bring happiness to children and parents through music is truly a gift
Evie and I will be back next year for “Our Time”!! It was a great year of musical adventure! Thanks Cathy!!Katie
Thank you Cathy for the fun village classes, Ruby loved them. Really going to miss our classes now that I have to go back to work. Ann-Marie
Cathy, thank you so much for enrolling Ebony in ‘Young Child’ after such a long break! She is loving it, and I revel in seeing her face lit up during each class. Alison xxAlison
[ testimonials layout="carousel / grid" random="yes / no" columns="1 / 2 / 3 / 4" show_only_ids="" ]
Tabs shortcode options:
- layout* — carousel or grid layout;
- random* — show in random order or by date;
- columns* — number of columns;
- show_only_ids — optional selected ID’s of posts to show, example value: 56,87,114.
Gallery Post
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam hendrerit id nisi non varius. Aliquam volutpat pellentesque in dolor vel tortor placerat rutrum. Aenean suscipit lacus nec adipiscing tristique. Mauris semper aliquam purus eu tempor. Etiam gravida, lorem imperdiet ullamcorper, est mauris lacinia elit, ut sollicitudin tellus erat et felis. Vestibulum rhoncus sapien. Mauris scelerisque…
Audio Post
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam hendrerit id nisi non varius. Aliquam volutpat pellentesque in dolor vel tortor placerat rutrum. Aenean suscipit lacus nec adipiscing tristique. Mauris semper aliquam purus eu tempor. Etiam gravida, lorem imperdiet ullamcorper, est mauris lacinia elit, ut sollicitudin tellus erat et felis. Vestibulum rhoncus sapien. Mauris scelerisque…
Video Post
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam hendrerit id nisi non varius. Aliquam volutpat pellentesque in dolor vel tortor placerat rutrum. Aenean suscipit lacus nec adipiscing tristique. Mauris semper aliquam purus eu tempor. Etiam gravida, lorem imperdiet ullamcorper, est mauris lacinia elit, ut sollicitudin tellus erat et felis. Vestibulum rhoncus sapien. Mauris scelerisque…
[ blog layout="carousel / grid" posts_limit="" columns="1 / 2 / 3 / 4" ]
Blog shortcode options:
- layout* — carousel or grid layout;
- posts_limit* — how many posts to show;
- columns* — number of columns.
[ video src="" mp4="" m4v="" webm="" ogv="" wmv="" flv="" poster="" loop="" autoplay="" preload="" ]
This is the standard WordPress shortcode, you can read about it here.
[ audio src="" mp3="" m4a="" ogg="" wav="" wma="" loop="" autoplay="" preload="" ]
This is the standard WordPress shortcode, you can read about it here.
[ embed width="auto" ][ /embed ]
This is the standard WordPress shortcode, you can read about it here.
[ helper type="gap / separator / clearfix" gap_height="" ]
Blog shortcode options:
- type* — type of the helper element;
- gap_height* — height of the gap for “gap” type.